Monday, March 19, 2007

A Question of Conviction

What a great day yesterday in our church as we celebrated Jesus The Promised Messiah.

We had a Missionary Moment where we prayed for missions work throughout the globe and then sent off five of our young people in prayer, as they will leave for four days in Jamaica this coming week. My prayers will be with them throughout this week, especially since one of them is my own son. May God use them, challenge them and bless them during their time there.

Our central message for the day was taken from Mark 8:27-30. A familiar passage where Jesus ask Peter, "who do you say I am?". Our pastor, Ed Lee, made the point that this question is a question of conviction, who is Jesus to us? Wow, a powerful question. If he is our Messiah, Saviour, Redeemer, than how are we to respond to Him and how are we to live out our lives?

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